Thursday, September 10, 2009
Eviction notice to Mising at Gohpur
And to facilitate this illegal settlement, the Government has now served eviction notices on the indigenous people of 18 villages under Bakoridoloni Gaon Panchayat, Bartamuly Gaon Panchayat and Rawnamukh Gaon Panchayat in Sonitpur district, it said.The Government is turning a blind eye to the rapid encroachment in the Orang National Park and the Pabitara Wildlife Sanctuary. Under the very nose of the Forest Department of the State Government, encroachers belonging to doubtful nationality have eliminated the Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary.But, while all these are going on unabated, the State Forest Department has asked about 10,000 indigenous Mising people living in the above villages since time immemorial and who have been paying land revenue since 1947, to vacate their land measuring about 15,000 hectares for facilitating sixth expansion of the KNP.
If the Government has any plan to save the KNP, it should go for operations to evict the encroachers of doubtful origin from the National Park and also to protect the park’s land area from the erosion of the Brahmaputra, said the students’ body. It has demanded immediate revocation of the proposal for forth and sixth expansion of the KNP. As, it said, these would affect the indigenous people of the State. Or else, it warned that it would resist any attempt at implementing the above expansion programmes.
Courtesy:The Assam Tribune,Sept.11,2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dhemaji remains cut-off for more than ten days

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Floods in Dhemaji,Lakhimpur

At Dhemaji two persons were drowned including a three months child on 12 August in Bordoloni even the current of rivers washed away the two ends of a Bailey bridge.The damage in the bridge has cut off the district and parts of Arunachal Pradesh.In the meantime, the Ranganadi flood water has damaged a pier of the RCC Bridge over the river on the NH-5In Lakhimpur district, the Kakoi river has breached its right bank embankment at five places – two breaches at 5 km, one breach at 6 km and two breaches at 7km. The flood water of the river has also overtopped its right embankment between Lilabari TE and Kadom.
The Ronganadi has breached its left bank embankment at one place at 2nd km and the right bank embankment at three places – one each at 4.5 km, 6 km and 7km. The Singara has breached its dyke between Phulbari and Barsola – two breaches at 6km and one breach at 8 km. The Dorpang has breached its Rajgarh-Pichala embankment at 7km.It needs mention here that the Brahmajan had breached its left bank embankment at one place yesterday. With the rainfall during the past one week, the State has been able to overcome much of its deficit in rainfall. The deficit has come down to 18 per cent now. With the good rainfall activities during the past one week, the State has now recorded a total rainfall of 812.2mm, against the normal of 984.6 mm, since June 1. It needs mention here that meteorologists treat 19 per cent less or more rainfall as normal rainfall.
The State recorded 23 per cent deficit rainfall till August 8. It had received a total rainfall of 703.8 mm of rainfall till then against the normal of 920 mm, said sources in the Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) here.The RMC sources also said that there is a likelihood of moderate rain or thundershower at many places over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam-Mdghalaya, Nagaland-Manipur-Mizoram meteorological sub-divisions of the NE region till the morning of August 162, weakening the bridge, near North Lakhimpur town, the district headquarters of Lakhimpur.
References-The Assam Tribune,15 August,2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
An Experience in Matmara,simple folks were exploited by Malyasian corporate
For the last few months i traveled many Tani inhabited places and now here is a piece of writing which i encountered in Matmara,Northeast India's most flood ravaged area located in Assam's Lakhimpur district.
I experienced this happening on June 01,2009 when i was visiting Matmara to see the latest geotube fabric embankment construction sanctioned at Rs.142 crore whereas the contract has been handed over to a Malayasian corporate named Emaskira by the Assam government.
I was taking rest in a shop front after reaching the place because i felt exhausted after riding the bicycle in the scorching heat of beginning June.I saw a group of people gathering beneath a tree in circle.Therefore i asked my brother to enquired the matter who was also coming with me.Without waiting for the result,I got into the place after i heard someone speaking in English ,then i asked my Tani fellows who were in the circle on the matter .
The fellows briefed me the matter in Tani(Mishi) language.The fact was that our Tani people were appealing a foreign engineer,a fat man who was in his forties,to increase their wage rate of night working hours.Our people ,who were engaged as labours to fix bamboo in the river bank, were insisting for Rs.20 per hour but the company man was offering them only Rs.10 per hour for the night work.Our people were helpless because there was no one to translate there speaking into English,just the folks were saying ok,ok.
I landed on the scene and helped out our people's demand to the engineer.I told the fat Malayasian that our people want larger wage rate since night jobs are risky and these simple people has no place to get work because everything has gone in the repeated floods.At first the foreigner responded me by increasing the wage upto Rs 12 but said it is the right international wage rate and they can't do more.But our people got angry after hearing it and said if Rs 100 is paid for eight hours work in day time how could it be possible.
I told the engineer again word of every word in English after listening the people's words.Two Assamese speaking subcontractors ,i guessed,were standing by the side.After that the Malayasian murmurred with the two Asomiyas.By then,the scene was becoming hotter as our people were gradually turning excited.Again,the wage rate was now increased up to Rs 15.10 per hour even our people were seemed unsatisfied till.Our people spoke me in Tani and asked me to tell the engineer that they are not working if the wage rate was so,also our people will not allowed other men to work there if they are not given the said wage.
Meanwhile,i explained the Malayasian and the Asomiya duo in English what the people had told.Ah!By now they increased the rate up to Rs 18.75 per hour and said that this is the exact international wage rate and they are paying their best.At last our people seemed to be satisfied and slowly got dispersed.One or two asked where i was from and thanked me for the assistance.
I want to asked my fellow readers of my blog,isn't the Malayasian corporate exploiting our people by taking the advantage of people's ignorance?
If not,why the corporate's international wage rate went zig zag in a few minutes?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Faulty engineering work led to Matmora breach’
The channel was hugging the north bank. The channel’s closure resulted in erosion in the downstream areas.All these features need careful study while planning and executing any anti-erosion project afresh in Matmora area, said these engineers. It needs mention here that the Water Resources Department (WRD) of the State constructed three river-stone bullhead spurs in Matmora area in 2002-03. Those spurs were aimed at pushing the deep channel of the Brahmaputra away from the north bank to the middle of the river course.The spacing of the bullheads was such that big gaps were left amid the structures enabling the river channel to flow with unhindered intensity. The design so far as these gaps were concerned, contradicted the acceptable engineering norms. Moreover, the spurs were not linked to the bank. The practice of linking the spurs to the unsubmersible bank, with proper fortification, is crucial so as to prevent their outflanking by the river, said the engineers.
Consequently, during the early waves of the 2003 floods, the downstream end bullhead came under intense onslaught of the Brahmaputra. The rear end of the bullhead had to bear the brunt of the flood waters.And in 2004, this bullhead was outflanked and the bank itself became vulnerable to the Brahmaputra onslaught. For the entire rainy season that year and also in the next year, this process continued and by the end of 2005, all the bullheads were outflanked by the Brahmaputra.The strong bank of the bullheads now came inside the river and these structures, built to push the deep channel to the midstream, themselves started pushing the river towards the north bank.
This led to repeated breach of the embankment in Matmora area.The last devastating breach of the dyke occurred in 2008 and it posed grave threat to Dhakuakhana and Majuli subdivisions, said the engineers. On the present history of the erosion in the area, the engineers said that erosion first started near Kareng Chapori, about 20 km upstream of Matmora, around 2000 AD.Since 2000 AD, erosion of the Brahmaputra led to the breach in the Barbil-Kareng Chapori dyke on two occasions.
NF Railway closed the breach in 2002-03. But the flood that occurred immediately after this breach closure, washed away the closed portion of the dyke.Railways then closed the breach again and simultaneously it started laying the approach road to the north end of the Bogibeel Bridge.
This closed the Brahmaputra channel that was hugging the north bank. This reduced the pressure on the Kareng Chapori, but the pressure of the Brahmaputra on the Matmora area intensified since then, said the engineers.They suggested that the government should take into consideration the history of dyke failure in Matmora area with right earnest to prevent recurrence of such developments in future.
Courtesy:The Assam Tribune,March 25,2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Nomads of Malayasia who lives in sea shore

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pilot project with latest technology to be launched in Matmara
The Geo Fabric Tubes or Geo Textile Technology is being used exclusively in several erosion prone countries. The technology though costly, is seen as a long-term solution, that the Government has been looking for, sources said.One of the US-based Company that introduced the Geo-Filter Tube Erosion Barrier claimed that at 25 per cent of the cost of conventional bulkheads or bunds, it was the most cost effective and environmentally responsible shoreline erosion barrier available."Shoreline erosion is a serious issue in Florida, and continues to grow worse every day. Erosion control is easily solved by installation of the Geo-Filter Tube erosion barrier, the Company's web site said.
The Geo-Filter Tube is constructed of a spun-bond polyester fabric sewn together to form a custom diameter tube. The tube is interconnected along the waters edge, then a small sand pump is used to fill the tube with the same sand and organic material that has been eroding into the lake or canal. The final result is a long lasting fully contained sand filter barrier that will stabilize the bank from erosion and filter rainwater and irrigation run off. The Geo-Filter Tube erosion barrier can be installed on any shoreline contour or stacked pyramid fashion to create a more substantial barrier to protect against soil erosion during heavy rains.
Once the Geo-Filter Tube is sodded the durability and life span is unlimited, the company claimed. Chief Minister, Tarun Gogoi, last July after surveying the breaches at Matmora had said the State government would take up scientific construction of the embankment from October this year to prevent the recurrence of the breach. The Brahmaputra River had breached about 200 metres of a crucial embankment at Matmora in Lakhimpur district, flooding the entire district, as well as the Majuli Island in Jorhat district, in the third wave of floods in the State last year.
Courtesy:The Assam Tribune,February 4,2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hydro-bombs in North East India

The construction of such high powered dams is bound to compound the problem of floods and erosions in the river banks,ecological imbalance,decreasing of soil fertility,loss of forest andaquatic resources,extinction of varieties of flora and fauna,resulting unimaginable natural disaster. in the entire downstream region of Subansiri river.
The constructon of mega dam in Gerukamukh is also a threat to the existence of inhabited Majuli Island,which is also one of the world's largest riverine island.Besides,there are many ''hidden threats'' such as it will affect the fishing communities who depends on the river for their livelihood and forced displacement of the Mising tribe as well as other indigenous communities from their habitat who lives along the banks of Subansiri river. If the regular flowing of water is compromised,the entire landscape of the river banks would also be transformed instantly.
The earlier report of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) prepared by a team experts hasn't able to gained the confidence of the local populace,it was a biased report in order to satisfy the corporates needs only.The ethnic Tani student organisation Takam Mising Porin Kébang (TMPK) including All Assam Students' Union has launched a number of agitations demanding reassesment and halting of the hydel project.The recent announcement for another assessment report should take into account the forseeable disasters and other significant impacts .The proposed mega hydel project in Lower Dibang Valley,with an estimated 3000 MW in Arunachal Pradesh also the country's second largest proposed dam , has already been objected to the construction of mega dam in the region,fearing displacement and outnumbering of the local ethnic Idu Mishmi tribe's populace by outstation workers.The Siyom Hydel Project (1000 MW), which is being proposed to built in Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh by Reliance corporate,is too facing similar protests from the indigenous Bori clan of Adi Tani tribe,who also depends on forest resources and fishing for livelihood in the place. Again,the recent agreement of Arunachal Pradesh government with one Jindal corporate for the contruction of 4500MW over Dibang river in the upper course has been flayed by number of organisations in the respected state as well as in neighbouring Assam.The prominent student organisation All Assam Students' Union has joined hands with the ethnic student organisation TMPK recently on August 3,2009 and announced a series mass protest movements demanding adequate safeguard to life and property of the people living in the downstream areas of the mega hydel projects.The proposed 1500MW Tipaimukh dam in Manipur has also evoked protest from the people of India as well as Bangladesh.Due to huge protests,the Tipaimukh hydel project issue has prompted the two countries to hold parliamentary delegation meetings.
The entire hydel projects in North East will proved costly and bring about untold sufferings not only to the present generation but also to thefuture generation to the people of the region in the long run .The mega projects which are being constructed to provide back up to the developing economy of India will lead to huge disastrous impacts both natural as well artificial ,not only to the country,but also to the entire world that would result in global warming and climate change.It is high time that the centre rethink the proposed building of such a huge number of mega hydel project in the region realising the long term affects and act in the greater interests of the people.The hydel projects are also dubbed by the local press and people as hydro-bombs in NE India.The hydel projects of Northeast India won't help to prosper but are major disaster-in-waiting for the netizens of the region.
Read more on TMPK protest:
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Asam Sahithya Sabha acting against the interests of Mising Tanis
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Questions on Matmara:Whose interests is the government serving?

GUWAHATI:The All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) today warned the State Government of a vigorous agitation in case the Government fails to keep its words on protecting the Sissikalghar-Tekeliphuta dyke in the about one-and half-a-kilometre stretch of Matmara area expeditiously. The repeated failure of the dyke in that area since 1996, has eliminated a good number of villages and pauperised thousands of people. Several educational institutions have also been washed away or buried under sand by the Brahmaputra and a number of Government offices and a vast area of have been buried by the river under the sand it has deposited in the area.
The schools washed away by the Brahmaputra include Matmara LP School, R K Baligaon LP School, Janjhi LP School and Karshing Katang High School. Authorities of the All Assam Miri Higher Secondary School, which is the first Mising higher secondary school in the State, were compelled to shift their school to safer areas for the third time now due to the sand of the Brahmaputra making it impossible for them to reclaim the school.
Stating all these, AASU organising secretary Jagadish Dutta, who is also the general secretary of the Association of Past and Present Office-Bearers of Cotton College Union Society, said that the State Government had failed to discharge its duties to rehabilitate and compensate the Matmara flood victims.The failure of the dyke in Matmara area has also posed serious threat to the famous river island Majuli, Dutta said and informed that preparations were on to take the matter to the court also.Floods have made life miserable for almost the entire population of the Dhakuwakhana sub-division. The 38-km long Dhakuwakhana-Gogamukh Road, which is the only road connecting Dhakuwakhana with Gogamukh, is now in such a wretched condition that it takes over two hours to travel to Dhakuwakhana from Gogamikh or vice versa, he alleged.
Though the Government engaged Geo-textile Fabrics, an Australian company to implement a geo-textile project for the protection of the dyke in Matmara area, the implementation of the scheme is yet to start. The deadline fixed for completing the scheme was fixed in March, 2009, said Dutta.The Guwahati-based students of the area have been meeting the Chief Minister with the prayer to protect the Sissi-Tekeliphuta Dyke in Matmara area, since 2001. The leading citizens of the area also met the Water Resources Department Minister Prithivi Majhi on several occasion.But the Government is yet to take concrete steps to save the people of the Matmara area from the vagaries of the Brahmaputra, he said.
Giving an example of the functioning of the Water Resources Department, he alleged that the Department had told him in reply to his queries that an amount of Rs 2 crore was spent on erecting a bullhead for the protection of Matmara area, including Dhakuwakhana town (Phase-I) in February 2006. A similar amount was spent on another bullhead to protect the area with a similar structure in the same month of the same year. Dutta had applied for the answers in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act.But, he said, the fact remained that there was no bullhead constructed to protect the area from the floods of the Brahmaputra.
Courtesy:The Assam Tribune
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Jonai Lígang blast:Pro-talk outfit leader hints Ulfa's involvement

It may be noted here that the infamous and barbaric Jonai cultural bombing took place in the midnight of March 15,2008 that left four persons dead and 104 persons injured while thousands of Misings were gathering in an Ali-A:ye-Lígang cultural function at Jonai Dírbí Okum complex.The blast that happened under a mysterious circumstances evoked tremendous outpoured of protests and uproar among the Misings and other Tani fraternity but unfotunately neither a conclusion was arrived at nor a single perpetrator was nabbed by any quarters.The state government of Assam as well as the centre didn't felt a sense of responsibilty by commissioning even an inquiry to unravelled the mystery of first ever such kind of cultural onslaught on a particular ethnic minority in the history of the country.
Mrinal Hazarika,Ulfa's 28th Bn leader,whose A and C companies are under ceasefire since last year,underlined the need of greater autonomy for the state of Assam though there are reasonable historical backgrounds for the support of a sovereign independent Assam but it is not possible to have it at this moment of difficult times while unabated immigration from Bangladesh,Nepal and other parts of the country as well as the separatist ideology of different indigenous tribes of Assam put a question mark on the very identity of the Assamese people and state of Assam within 30 years from now.He also added the Ulfa has failed to unite the indigenous tribal groups of Assam.He also expressed his concern on outsider's control of state politics of Assam referring referring to the 2001 census data that there are 22 percent of Assamese people and 49.7 per cent of Assamese language speakers in Assam .
Asomiya Pratidin,18-01-2009,Page 3 - 47k - Cached - Similar pages
Monday, January 12, 2009
TMPK burnt Assamese film sets,demand for ban
The TMPK units of Dhakuakhana and Lakhimpur on January 12 burnt several sets of the Assamese VCD in protest against the derogatory remarks.TMPK central committee's publicity secretary Dilip Pegu told that the organisation will not resist such filthy attitudes and insult of the community and condemned the NK Productions for its shortsigtedness."The Mising tribe being the second largest community amongst tribals residing in the state of Assam will not remained silent on the issue that hurt the sentiments of the people emotionally and ethnically.It is the result of some ill-minded Assamese who bears negligent attitudes to its own sons of soils residing in the state in the name of promoting and diseminating Bihu culture,"he said .
TMPK Lakhimpur district committee President Biju Pegu and General Secretary Kiran Chandra Doley informed that the VCD has been strictly restricted from selling in all Mising inhabited districts of Assam.It needs to mentioned here that Mising Tani inhabits in eight upper Assam districts of the state with a population nearing 10 lakhs.
Meanwhile,the TMPK President Hemeswar Pegu told media persons that the NK Production should begged pardon from the Mising community publicly and warned of serious consequences if such incident are repeated in the future.He also questioned on who gave the firm the right to insult the community.In areas Dhakuakhana,Jonai,Dhemaji,Silapathar,Majuli,Dergaon,Golaghat,Sivasagar,Jorhat,Dibrugarh the student organization burnt many VCD sets.In Dergaon,the TMPK unit under Anjana Doley marched out a protest rally against the derogatory remark in the film.The TMPK and MDK has demanded the government to take the matter seriously and imposed ban on the film,otherwise it will approached the law courts to seek justice.The NK Production is a firm that make largest number of Assamese VCDs and cassettes.In one of the scene in the latest released " Bohagor Nachoni 2" has the dialogue "Tiri Miri Bathou Kuwa,Ei Chari Jator Ashoi Nupuwa" meaning stay away from Miri i.e.Mising.
Read more,please refer
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
TMPK protests in Guwahati against mega dams

GUWAHATI, Jan 5 – Demanding immediate intervention of the Assam Government in the proposed mega dams in Arunachal Pradesh, three leading Mising organisations,Takam Mising Porin Kébang( TMPK), Mising Mimag Kébang(MMK) and Takam Mising Mimé Kébang(TMMK) have said that faulty planning and corruption had been responsible for the perennial problems of flood and erosion in the State. Hundreds of members of the organisations today staged a demonstration at Dispur Last Gate, highlighting their grievances and calling for a permanent solution to the problems. “Floods used to be a boon for the farmers in the past but faulty planning, departmental inefficiency and corruption have combined to turn it into a curse. Deforestation in the neighbouring hilly States, large-scale extraction of boulders from riverbeds, and construction of big hydro-electric projects have compounded the problem manifold with the government authorities content to look the other way,” the TMPK said in a statement. Pointing out that release of water from the Ranganadi project caused unprecedented floods in Lakhimpur on June 14, 2008, the TMPK said that the proposed 160-odd mega dams in Arunachal Pradesh would spell doom for Assam and “we will continue to fight such irrational projects in the name of development.” Opposing the Government’s practice of constructing embankments without putting in place effective anti-erosion measures, the TMPK said that all-out efforts should be directed towards saving Matmara, as without protecting Matmara it would be impossible to protect Majuli. The TMPK also alleged that failure of the Finance Department to release funds on time was adversely affecting construction of critical embankments. Other demands of the organizations included land survey on Mising-inhabited areas for granting of land patta to the Misings, adequate relief and rehabilitation measures for the flood-affected people; review of “faulty” construction process of the Bogibeel rail-cum-road bridge; and putting a stop to the practice of “whimsical” land requisition under the pretext of facilitating developmental project. The organisations warned that unless the Government took serious note of its grievances and initiated corrective measures, they would be compelled to launch an aggressive agitation. Courtesy:The Assam Tribune,06-01-2009,Please refer |
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